How To Use ChatGPT To Level Up Your Content Marketing Game: 5 Quick Tips & Reminders

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ChatGPT, huh? It’s been a wild ride for everyone. The content marketing world has certainly been shaken up by its introduction.


In our ever-competitive field, the name of the game is adaptability. So you either embrace new tech like ChatGPT into your toolset, or get left behind. Pushback we’ve seen is understandable. Honing a craft for years only to see a machine churn out articles within seconds? It’s almost as if your unique skill set has been commoditized, right? 


But at the end of the day, ChatGPT’s still a robot, and you’re still a human who can process stuff based on context and nuance. Yay, you!


So let’s get into it and explore how you can best leverage ChatGPT as your partner in content marketing crime.

A quick reminder before we start: Neeever upload sensitive or private data/information on ChatGPT.

Tip 1: Let AI take over routine tasks, so you can focus on strategy

At the beginning stage of content creation, understanding your audience is key to any successful strategy.


Here, ChatGPT can act as a research assistant that never sleeps.


  • Persona Building: Feed ChatGPT demographic data, survey results, or customer reviews. It can analyze the text and help you develop detailed buyer personas.
  • Audience Buckets: Ask ChatGPT to segment your audience into different categories based on various criteria, allowing for more personalized targeting.
  • Journey Mapping: Provide ChatGPT with customer touchpoints, and it can draft a preliminary journey map, highlighting potential content needs at each stage.

Tip 2: Use ChatGPT to churn out ideas that you can then sift through

In content marketing, you’re only as good as your last great idea. Wracking your brain every time to come up with good stuff isn’t necessarily efficient use of your time.


Well now, isn’t it a good thing that ChatGPT is a well of kickstarter ideas that never runs dry?


  • Idea Generation: Feed it a topic or a keyword, and it will provide a variety of content angles you can explore.
  • Headline Crafting: Given a topic, ChatGPT can produce multiple catchy headlines, giving you a range to pick from.
  • Narrative Strategy: While ChatGPT churns out the raw ideas, you can devote time to weave these into a cohesive and strategic narrative.

Tip 3: A sounding board for balanced content

Controversial or complex topics are great content but they require a balanced viewpoint to be truly insightful.


In this case, ChatGPT can help you achieve this nuanced approach by sharing opposite views that you can build upon and incorporate into your content.


  • Counterarguments: Pose your key arguments to ChatGPT and ask for counterpoints. This will help you anticipate questions and objections.
  • Pros vs Cons: Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of benefits and limitations of a product or strategy.
  • Opportunity vs Tradeoffs: Using ChatGPT to help identify potential opportunities or tradeoffs of a given situation enhances the depth of your analysis.

Tip 4. SEO and metadata optimization for content visibility

In the world of content marketing, even the most compelling narratives fall flat if they’re not discoverable. Dun dun dun…


ChatGPT can help ensure your content not only resonates but is also poised to rank on search engines.


  • Keyword Suggestions: Given a topic, ChatGPT can offer a list of related keywords that you should consider incorporating into your content for better SEO.
  • Meta Descriptions: Instruct ChatGPT to create concise and engaging meta descriptions for your content pieces, making them more clickable in search results.
  • SEO Audit: You can program ChatGPT to conduct a preliminary SEO audit of your content, flagging areas where keyword density is low or where H1 and H2 tags are missing.
  • Analytics Interpretation: Feed ChatGPT some basic analytics data, and it can generate a simple report that highlights performance metrics you should pay attention to.

Tip 5. Build custom templates and frameworks to scale content operations

One of the most challenging aspects of content marketing is maintaining quality while scaling operations.


ChatGPT can handle the templating process, ensuring consistency and efficiency.


  • Template Creation: Direct ChatGPT to generate templates for different content types—blogs, whitepapers, emails—based on your specific needs.
  • Framework Design: If you have a recurring content series, ask ChatGPT to develop a framework that keeps every piece consistent yet fresh.
  • Process Optimization: ChatGPT can also help draft checklists or process flows to make your content operations more streamlined, helping onboard new team members faster.

ChatGPT does not have to be a zero-sum game for content marketers

We fear what we don’t understand.
Once you start using ChatGPT for specific content marketing purposes, you’ll quickly realise that it can’t replace you (at least not just yet, heh).
The fear of being replaced is a natural reaction to emerging technologies, especially with AI, but remember that embracing ChatGPT in your content marketing journey is a strategic move toward growth and efficiency. 
t’s about working smarter, not harder. And every one of us content marketers can certainly benefit from a little of that in our demanding world that is content marketing.